About Business Loans Scotland

Business Loans Scotland (BLS) is the Fund Manager for a £17 million loan fund, which seeks to invest in new and growing Scottish SMEs. Business Loans Scotland is also the trading name of the Scottish Growth Scheme - Business Loans Scotland Debt Finance LP (SL033447) and is fully financed by the Scottish Government.

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About Business Loans Scotland

Business Loans Scotland News

Read the latest BLS Business Investment news, hints & tips and case studies.

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Cessation of Funding
News Story

Cessation of Funding


All Members, Directors and employees of BLS are extremely disappointed with the decision by the Scottish Government to cease funding of the Scottish Growth Scheme.

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Top Five Tips on seeking funding for your business
Hints & Tips

Top Five Tips on seeking funding for your business


When looking for a suitable business loan the process can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be, view our top five tips on seeking business funding.

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Ways to use business funding to grow your business
Hints & Tips

Ways to use business funding to grow your business


Using business funding strategically can fuel growth and contribute to the long-term success of your business. Here we discuss several ways to deploy funding to promote business growth.

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